Wayfinding Collective

A wesearch wayfaring and wilding sanctuary for ancestral, personal, transpersonal and posthuman experiencing.

As a collective we’re exhausted, anxious, scared and pissed off. It’s difficult to understand how to interpret what our bodies are trying to tell us. The pandemic has really pushed us to question our mortality and how we want to live and work. We’ve been forced to give up so much due to the onslaught of rapid change.

The Wayfinding Collective is a sanctuary for artists, healing practitioners, movement and cultural workers, recovering professionals and academics who wish to seek the known and unknown divergent ways.

The meaning of “sanctuary” is multifaceted and ever evolving: A sacred place. A place where fugitives are immune to arrest. A protected place for wildlife.

Wayfinding is a lifelong practice for relying upon communally learned and intuitive knowing to navigate land, sea, and life.

Long before pre colonial times, Austronesians and many cultures have navigated the land and ocean via various wayfinding practices. Seafarers communicate with their boat to go North or South, reading the caps of waves, seeking guidance from the stars and sun. Land travelers identify the direction of the wind by reading hundreds of shapes of snow.  To remember how to reunite with the understanding the deliberate placement of a stone or by listening to the details of a song. Bees tell other bees where the nectar is by returning to the hive and conveying location information via dance.

Today, everyone engages in some form of wayfinding whether they realize it or not.

The Wayfinding Collective is an attempt to navigate our lives by meeting at the hive, sharing the way to the nectar patches by talking stories, wesearching new and familiar wayfaring and wild ways.

We feel it’s a powerful time to reclaim our bodies and choose how we live our lives. Wayfinding was never meant to be done alone and so let’s gather and share divergent ways.

To learn more about the Wayfinding Collective, Connect with inabel bee uytiepo by clicking HERE.